Steps of Teaching
In order to make teaching an effective process one needs to follow certain steps. These steps are so important that these cannot be removed from the process of teaching. If a teacher deviates from these steps, the outcome of the teaching may be biased.

1. Planning Without a plan one can not proceed in a resolution. In the teaching-learning process also a teacher has to make a plan according to the strength of the students, the locality of the school the environmental conditions of the school and the contents and the subjects he is going to teach. He has to take into consideration the language that he finds suitable for teaching. The planning includes the gradation of students, as to how many are present in the class, how many are absent, how many are high achieving and how many mediocre. The teacher has to plan for the arrangement of teaching aids like maps, charts, models, overhead projector etc.
2. Preparation During the preparation stage, the teacher has to follow the subject or topic systematically. As the present times are times of science and technology, the presentation must also be scientific in nature for which the teacher may need overhead projectors, slides TV and video tapes etc. for making his presentation more effective and understandable.
3. Presentation: After preparation, the teacher is prepared to present the topic in the class to the full satisfaction of students and the observer who is there to watch his presentation.

4. Comparison Comparison is an important characteristic of teaching. It allows a second chance, to all the three participants, the teacher, the learner and the observer to arrange one more programme of teaching-learning in order to remove, any shortcomings found in the first attempt.
Seven Steps for Teaching and Learning
1. Diagnose the needs of student and create appropriate classroom profile summary power standards multiple intelligence’s formative assessment strategies instructional strategies
2. Create and maintain classroom profiles to record data identifying the standards, formative assessment date(s), summative assessment date(s), and student information reflecting performance on standards
3. Plan engaging lessons three-part lesson (opening, work period, and closing) essential question(s) engaging instructional activities based upon the identified power standards and depth of knowledge
4. Teach the standards using standards-based instruction and ensure the identified instructional activities at the appropriate depth of knowledge level
5. Utilize formative assessment strategies to daily determine if standards taught were mastered and update the classroom profile daily
6. Re-teach, provide additional support, and document response to intervention (RTI) for students who have not mastered the standard(s)
7. Administer a summative assessment to validate that students have mastered the standards and update the classroom profile record.
Repeat step two and/or three and follow the process until all power standards have been taught and mastered by all students.