The sky appears blue because [5943]

Q) The sky appears blue because Options: A)It is actually blue B) The atmosphere scatters blue light more than the others C) All colors interfere to produce blue D) In white light, blue color dominates

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Which of the following can be a trigger for Coral Bleaching? I) crease in ocean temperature. II) Decrease in ocean temperature. III) Decline in Zooplankton levels. IV) Changes in salinity. V) Elevated sea levels due to global warming. [5783]

Q) Which of the following can be a trigger for Coral Bleaching? I) crease in ocean temperature. II) Decrease in ocean temperature. III) Decline in Zooplankton levels. IV) Changes in salinity. V) Elevated sea levels due to global warming. Options: A)All except II B) All except II & IV C) All except V D) None […]

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