Q) Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers Options: A)First Generation B) Second Generation C) Third Generation D) Fourth Generation
Articles Tagged: Information and Communication Technology
Which of the following is the appropriate definition of a computer? [5428]
Q) Which of the following is the appropriate definition of a computer? Options: A)Computer is a machine that can process information. B) Computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve and process both qualitative and quantitative data quickly and accurately. C) Computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve and quickly process only […]
Boot is…… [5630]
Q) Boot is…… Options: A)start-up of a computer B) loading software in a computer C) managing memory of computer D) all of above
Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC? [5555]
Q) Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC? Options: A)Memory address registers B) Memory data registers C) Instruction register D) Program counter
www represents : [5690]
Q) www represents : Options: A)who what and where B) weird wide web C) word wide web D) world wide web
Through which device the main components of the computer communicate with each other? [5611]
Q) Through which device the main components of the computer communicate with each other? Options: A)Keyboard B) System Bus C) Monitor D) Memory
What is blog? [5453]
Q) What is blog? Options: A)Online music B) Intranet C) A personal or corporate website in the form of an online journal D) A personal or corporate Google search
The VIRUS is a [5648]
Q) The VIRUS is a Options: A)Software program B) Hardware C) Device D) None of these
Which 8-bit chip was used in many of today’s TRS-80 computers? [5581]
Q) Which 8-bit chip was used in many of today’s TRS-80 computers? Options: A)Z-8000 B) Motorola 6809 C) Z-8808 D) Z-80
what is EDI ? [5651]
Q) what is EDI ? Options: A)Electronic Data Interface B) Electronic Data Internet C) Electronic Data Interchange D) None of these