If in a certain code language (1)’Hupa chip fu pa’ stands for’ Ram is very intelligent’. (2) ‘Chip hupa kupa tik’ stands for ‘Hari is very smart’. (3) ‘lik fu hupa’stands for’Boy is intelligent (4) ‘fu tik dop’ stands for ‘Smart and intelligent’. then which one of the following word is used for ‘Hari’? [4526]

Q) If in a certain code language (1)’Hupa chip fu pa’ stands for’ Ram is very intelligent’. (2) ‘Chip hupa kupa tik’ stands for ‘Hari is very smart’. (3) ‘lik fu hupa’stands for’Boy is intelligent (4) ‘fu tik dop’ stands for ‘Smart and intelligent’. then which one of the following word is used for ‘Hari’? […]

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