NTA UGC NET JRF Exam – Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set 24 (Q461-Q480)
Q461) Which of the following is the appropriate definition of Information Technology?

A) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for processing information.
B) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for distribution of useful information
C) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for storage, retrieval, processing and distributing information of many kinds.
D) Information Technology refers to the use of principles of Physical sciences and Social sciences for processing of information of many kinds.
Answer: Option C) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for storage, retrieval, processing and distributing information of many kinds.
Q462) ICT stands for :
A) International Communication Technology
B) Computer is capable of analysing both quantitative and qualitative data.
C) Information and Communication Technology
D) Inter connected Terminals
Answer: Option C) Information and Communication Technology
Q463) Which of the following dams is not on Narmada river?
A) Indira Sagar Project
B) Jobat Project
C) Maheshwar Hydel Power Project
D) Koyna Power Project
Answer: Option D) Koyna Power Project
Q464) Which of the following is a secondary or tertiary effect of volcanic eruption?
A) Hot ash flow (pyro-elastic flow)
B) Mudflow (Lahars)
C) Volcanic land slide (debris flow and debris avalanches)
D) Famine and Disease
Answer: Option D) Famine and Disease
Q465) The most powerful upper chamber in the world is :
A) American senate
B) British House of Lords
C) Rajya Sabha of Indian Republic
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) American senate
Q466) Which of the elements is essential for animals but not in plants?
A) Potassium
B) Iodine
C) Calcium
D) Phosphorus
Answer: Option C) Calcium
Q467) If a person replies like ” I see ” or ‘mm-hmm’ then it is known as
A) positive feedback
B) negative feedback
C) ambiguous feedback
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) ambiguous feed back
Q468) According to Berlo, Communication has how many elements?
A) 4
B) 3
C) 6
D) 5
Answer: Option A) 4
Q469) Team teaching has the potential to develop :
A) Competitive spirit
B) Cooperation
C) The habit of supplementing the teaching of each other
D) Highlighting the gaps in each other’s teaching
Answer: Option C) The habit of supplementing the teaching of each other
Q470) The most common cause of nervous instability amongst teacher is
A) worry
B) fatigue
C) quarrelsome behavior
D) all of the above
Answer: Option A) worry
Q471) A big contains an equal number of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins. If the total amount in the bag is 35 , how many coins of each type are there?
A) 15
B) 18
C) 20
D) 25
Answer: Option C) 20
Q472) Communication word is derived from a verb of which language?
A) Latin
B) French
C) German
D) Italian
Answer: Option A) Latin
Q473) Which of the following Satellites helps to telecast T.V. Network Programmes all over the country?
A) Apple
B) Aryabhatta
C) Rohini

Answer: Option C) Rohini
Q474) Dhunaram Thermal Power Project is situated in
A) Maharashtra
B) Jharkhand
C) Gujarat
D) Andhra Pradesh
Answer: Option C) Gujarat
Q475) Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
A) Computer is capable of processing only digital signal.
B) Computer is capable of analysing both quantitative and qualitative data.
C) Appropriate software is required for processing the data
D) Computer is capable of processing digital as well as analog signals
Answer: Option D) Computer is capable of processing digital as well as analog signals
Q476) In any discipline, theories and observables (related experimental results)
A) should complement each other
B) often more than not should contradict each other
C) need not have anything to do with each other
D) should compensate each other
Answer: Option A) should complement each other
Q477) A research problem is not feasible only when
A) it is researchable
B) it is new and adds something to knowledge
C) it consists of independent and dependent variables
D) it has utility and relevance
Answer: Option B) it is new and adds something to knowledge
Q478) Which of the following is not a transmitting barrier?
A) Physical distraction
B) Emotional interference
C) Conflicting messages
D) Channel barrier
Answer: Option B) Emotional interference
Q479) What will you do as a teacher if the students do not attend your class?
A) Blame the students for their absence
B) Keep quiet considering the present attitude of students as the change of culture
C) Think of using some interesting methods of teaching
D) Know the reason and try to remove them
Answer: Option D) Know the reason and try to remove them
Q480) If the sample drawn doesn’t specify any condition about the parameter of the population. It is called
A) selected statistics
B) distribution free statistics
C) census
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) selected statistics

thanks for an amazing practice session
Answers of question 480 and 473 have some doubts (answers given in R.Gupta’s text is different). Please recheck the answers.