The National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by University Grants Commission (UGC) under the National Educational Testing Bureau. The national-level NET qualifies candidates for the role of Assistant Professor and for Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) in Indian Universities and Colleges. As the exam approaches its time to study, after all soon you may be the one teaching!
Here are some last minutes tips which will help you sail through the exam easily:
- Understand the paper pattern thoroughly. Its important to answer all 50 questions. Paper 1 – 6,000 Practice Questions & Answers
- Follow a methodical pattern of studying for maximum benefits
- Prepare a study schedule including as many varied topics as you can and study accordingly
- Study basic concepts in mass communication for the communication topic
- Study each topic as 5 questions will definitely come from each topic
- Its important to study Teaching and Research in depth as the most difficult questions are usually in this section
- Revise basic mathematics concepts from class 10th, focusing mainly on understanding sets/patterns and improve approximation techniques
- Data Interpretation is generally based on statistics, so study statistics from class 10th to prepare
- Read any new material(not too long) and try summarizing it in a few points to practice for reading comprehension
- People and Environment should be prepared from Class 10th as well
Check: Paper 1 – Last 12 Years Question Papers with Answers
- Information and Communication Technology and Higher Education System should be given sufficient time as both are material-heavy
- Prepare Information and Communication Technology and Higher Education System from books specified for UGC NET
- Use flash cards and charts for Information and Communication Technology,
- Definitions, abbreviations and terminology are very important for Information and Communication Technology so make sure you know them well
- Study for Higher Education System Governance, Polity and Administration using flowcharts
- Practice as many sample papers/previous year papers as you can to gain speed and accuracy Paper 1 – 6,000 Practice Questions & Answers
- Remember to check the sample paper/previous paper soon after completing it so you can identify and improve on your weak areas.
UGC NET Exam Paper Pattern
Paper-I shall be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. 50 (fifty) multiple choice questions of 2 marks each will be given, out of which the candidate would be required to answer all 50 (fifty).
Paper-II shall consist of 100 objective type compulsory questions based on the subject selected by the candidate. Each question will carry 2 marks.
2 GOLDEN RULES to be kept in mind while appearing for any competitive exam are:
- Time Management is necessary for sure-shot success: Candidates must have a well-planned strategy about which section to appear for first in the exam and how much time to devote in each section. This will ensure you to visit all the sections of the paper and you will be able to come across the easy questions hidden in all the sections.
Always try to find out questions which are less time consuming in each section. Make sure that you do not get stuck on any question and avoid spending too much time on a single question.
- Combination of Speed & Accuracy is a must: Speed and Accuracy is the ultimate way to success. These are the foremost important factors in the exam.
For increasing speed, solve easier questions first and mark the tough ones for the left time.
Spending too much time on a single question will tend to reduce your speed, by new exam schema you are supposed to complete 50 questions in 60 minutes, but effectively you will have to plan to complete everything with in 50 minutes. so you will have 10 minutes to review. Keep in mind, if you are not able to solve/find correct answer for a given question within 45 seconds then move on, and come back to attempt it at end.
Also Read:
- UGC NET Paper 1 – 6000 Practice Questions and Last 12 Years Question Papers with Answers
- NTA UGC NET: Paper I Preparation Tips
- General Studies Study Techniques and Entrance Exam Preparation
- How to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills
- Reasoning Preparation Tips | Logical Reasoning
- English Preparation Tips for Competitive Exams